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Clear Sky Clock

Click here or anywhere on the Clear Sky Clock for more information on the chart with in-depth explanations, links to a local map of light pollution, transparency and seeing forecasts, sun & moon data, and much more...

(The Clear Sky Clock is brought to you courtesy of Attilla Danko and the Canadian Meteorological Center) Thank them!

The Clear Sky Clock: What is it?

At a glance, it shows when it will be cloudy or clear for up to the next two days. It's a prediction of when Jenny Jump State Forest, NJ, will have good weather for astronomical observing.

The forecast data comes from those very cool guys at the Canadian Meteorological Center. CMC's numerical weather forecasts are unique because they are specifically designed for astronomers. But they have 763 forecast maps. It can be a chore to find the one you want.

So Attilla Danko wrote a script to generate the images like the one above which summarizes CMC's forecast images just for Jenny Jump State Forest and the surroundings out to about 10 miles.

Current Forecast

Click for Hope, New Jersey Forecast

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